We invite you to belong!
BELONG to a life-transforming, academically excellent, globally relevant, decidedly Christian college experience. Be known by professors who will take an active role in your education and in your spiritual development. Be encouraged by a campus community that will push you to go further—in your field of study and in your passions and interests. Most of our students are involved with multiple pursuits: Our athletes are scholars; our scholars are musicians; our musicians are tutors. Tabor College is a place where You Belong.
You’ll be able to tour the campus, including residence halls, meet with professors, and get a complete feel for Tabor College at your convenience.
Find out the steps you need to take to become a student at Tabor!
Check the deadlines and benefits of each admission deadline.
You’ve been accepted. Awesome! Now, check out the steps needed to enroll at Tabor!